Color the Mucc 3k/5k Fun Run race is locally run and organized by the Humboldt County Chamber of Commerce and Humboldt General Hospital. Our race is not affiliated with, or in any way sponsored by, and should not be confused with, any other organization promoting or hosting a color race, or companies such as those named Color Me Rad, LLC, Run or Dye, LLC, or The Color Run, LLC.
Color Station sponsors will be given 2 T-shirts and a banner for their station to inform participants who will be tossing the color at the upcoming station. Each station will be provided with face-masks, gloves and water as well as powdered color to toss at runners/walkers.
Stations will be set up and torn down by Color the Mucc volunteers, NOT station sponsors.
Color Stations need at least two people, but are not limited to how many persons they have at their station.
2. I agree not to participate unless I am medically and physically able, which I am solely responsible to determine. I understand that participating in a Color Station; powdered corn starch will be thrown around me and could possibly be hazardous. We ask that color be thrown/tossed below the neck and not directly into a runner/walkers face. Be aware of small children and babies in strollers.
3. I agree that “Color the Mucc,” Humboldt County Chamber of Commerce and Humboldt General Hospital are not responsible for any items or property that are lost, stolen, stained or damaged at or during the event.
4. I consent to emergency medical care and transportation in order to obtain treatment in the event of injury to me, as medical professionals may deem appropriate. This Assumption and Release extends to any liability arising out of, or in any way connected with, the medical treatment and transportation provided in the event of an emergency.
5. I grant permission to “Color the Mucc,” its affiliates and sponsors to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings or any other record of this event for any purpose including, but not limited to , promoting, advertising and marketing purposes. Any and all photographs, motion pictures, recordings or other records of the event are the sole property of “Color the Mucc.”
6. Sponsors are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times, including obeying all laws. This includes respect for all people, equipment and facilities, and cooperative, positive participation. “Color the Mucc” may dismiss, without refund, anyone whose behavior endangers safety or negatively affects a race, a person, a facility or property of any type or kind.
7. I agree to indemnify “Color the Mucc,” its affiliates and assigns, from any and all third party claims caused in whole or part by my actions.
8. I assume all risks associated with competing in “Color the Mucc,” including, but not limited to, slips, falls, contact with other participants, negligent or wanton acts of other participants, any defects or condition of premises, or color zones, the effects of the weather, including high heat, cold temperatures, storms and/or humidity. All such risks being known assumed and appreciated by me.
9. Most importantly this is a fun community event. Your participation is appreciated.
Color Station Sponsorship is $250.
Proceeds from this event will go to a scholarship for a 2024 graduating Lowry High School Senior. Two shirts are included with sponsorship. Additional shirts are available for purchase for $15.00ea.